Project Description

This web app allows to summarize and filter information about football matches results from every La Liga match from 1995-1996 to 2019-2020, and provide a simple view of league results for the selected teams by the user.

click here:

The app contains the following features:

  • Season - period of the match
  • Date - date of the match
  • HomeTeam - the name of the home team
  • AwayTeam - the name of the away team
  • FTHG (Full-time home goals) 
  • FTAG (Full time away goals)
  • FTR (Full-time result)
  • H: Home team won
  • A: Away team won
  • D: Draw
  • HTHG (Half time home goals)
  • HTAG (Half time away goals) 
  • HTR (half time result)
  • H: Home team won
  • A: Away team won
  • D: Draw

The app shows some graphs, filters, checkbox...Im still improving the app, ....

I have been using Python to develop the app, and Heroku to deploy the app, so everyone can see the app, because is allocated in a server and not just local in my own machine.

Project Details

Project Date:

26 de July de 2020